Ciara Gogan

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Several months ago, I found myself in a quandary...I was searching for something, I didn't know what but I knew I needed help. I came across, and signed up for, a Teleclass, "Exploring Your Life's Mission", that sounded like just the ticket! It was a four week, one night per week class and I was all in! We spent the time discussing who we really were at our core, what we wanted from life and, how to get it! ...Fabulous stuff. One of the first things we got to do was define what a successful outcome of the class was for us. Mine was "to be content with who I am".  Sounds like a pretty simple goal.  Through this Blog, I'll let you know how I went from simply wanting to "be content with who I am" to a new goal (already in flight)...

"To allow myself to enjoy the dreams I have achieved and to love myself enough to go after those yet to be"

It's been a remarkable journey so far, and so much more is yet to come.

